Ahead of the "Gilmore Girls" reunion at ATX Television Festival, one of the greatest fictional cover bands of all time reunited as Keiko Agena (Lane), Todd Lowe (Zack), John Cabrera (Brian) reformed Hep Alien during a secret show at the San Jose Hotel.
The group has kept in touch over the years and this isn't the first time they've played since "Gilmore Girls" ended in 2007. Back in October, they staged a one-night only show (a photo of which reveals Agena rocking out in full Lane form).
Tonight @KeikoAgena got back on the drums for Fell In Love With A Girl. @Todd__Lowe &! I had to join in. #GilmoreGirls pic.twitter.com/pmWooUxpga
— John Cabrera (@johncabrera) October 4, 2014
Fans following Cabrera's twitter would know the gang has been practicing for their triumphant return this weekend. In late April, he posted a photo of the three (sans Sebastian Bach and the long lost Adam Brody).
Reliving the glory days with @KeikoAgena & @Todd__Lowe #HepAlien #GilmoreGirls πΈπ½ https://t.co/tW6S47hIvq pic.twitter.com/dYomyNN45o
— John Cabrera (@johncabrera) April 29, 2015
Since the entire cast will be at the panel tomorrow night, we're likely in for at least one more performance at the risk of eternal damnation.
Source : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/05/hep-alien-gilmore-girls-reunion_n_7519172.html?utm_hp_ref=celebrity&ir=Celebrity